Duplicate checker
Duplicate checker

  1. Duplicate checker software#
  2. Duplicate checker trial#

Duplicate checker software#

A CMS powering a website will only have one article in the database, but the site’s software will allow the same article to be recovered via more than one URL. The developers are not crazy, but they do see things from a different perspective. In the example mentioned above, a developer will see the article as only existing once. The technical reasons mostly happen because developers don’t think like browsers or even users, let alone search engine bots. Humans don’t often store the same content in more than one place without ensuring that it is clear which one is original. But duplicates exist, and the reasons are mostly technical. There are numerous reasons why you need unique content on your website. In this way, you will get DMCA notice what means that you are suspected in the manipulation of search results and copyright violation. In tough cases, Google can impose a duplicate content penalty. Therefore it causes some sites are to stop being visible for users. When it comes to prioritizing of what page has more value for the user, Google has a right to choose which website’s page is most likely to be in SERP. It happens due to Google stop indexing your page where the plagiarized text is detected. What can happen? In most ways, website owners may suffer from traffic losses. When duplicate content is found on the website, there is a big chance that Google will apply sanctions. How Google Penalized Sites for Duplicate Content?

Duplicate checker trial#

You can use Google or Facebook to sign up for a free trial without any hassle at all. Just add your domain and start the trial by click the button. Step 1: Insert Your URL and Start Free Trial Using website duplicate content checker to identify internal duplicates for a whole website is very easy, fast and it’s free! No credit card is needed. Google and other search engines determine unique content as the main ranking factor. As a result of this split, it is less likely that you would be able to rank for ‘keyword a’, and it would be much better if all the links pointing to the same URL. If this article is redistributed by numerous bloggers but a few of them link to URL 1, while the rest link to URL 2, the search engine’s problem now becomes your problem as the links now each promote a different URL.

duplicate checker

This scenario actually occurs a lot in a CMS. Let’s presume an article about ‘keyword a’ is shown at, but the same content is also shown at /category/keyword-a/. As a web user, you won’t really care because you’ll find the content needed, but web search engine needs to choose which page should be shown in its results because it does not want to display the same content more than once. If, on top of that, the final destinations are even slightly different, the problem is even bigger. If you stand at a crossroad and multiple road signs indicate different directions to the same destination, you won’t know which direction to go. In this article, we’ll assist you in understanding some of the reasons why duplicate content exists, and assist you in solving the problem.

duplicate checker

The problem is only exacerbated when altered versions of the content is linked to. That could affect a web page’s ranking negatively. When the same text is shown at numerous locations on the internet, a search engine can’t determine which friendly URL should be shown in Search Engine Results Pages (SERP). All search engines, including Google, have problems with duplicate content.

Duplicate checker