The tube england
The tube england


If they are too heavy for you to pick up, please look for alternative transport routes with stairs or a lift using our handy guide below. This is particularly useful if you have a small dog and are able to train them from a young age.

the tube england

You can train your dog to be picked up and to expect to be picked up by using a pairing word such as ‘up’ or ‘lift’. This technique is the most comfortable way of handling a dog for the both of you. If your dog is a weight that you are comfortable handling, then the best way to pick your dog up is to place one arm in front of their front legs and the other arm should be placed around their back legs, under their bum. Then begin stroking them on their front and hind legs and chest in slow, soothing motions. You can give them a heads up by crouching down in front of them and letting them sniff the back of your hand. This can scare your dog and may cause them to try to wriggle out of your hold. Many people make the mistake of picking up their dog without any warning. How can I safely pick up my dog on the escalator? However, this may not always be possible as some central London stations experience higher levels of congestion than others. If, after planning your journey, you do find yourself at an escalator-only station, then you must either carry your dog up or down the escalator, or you can request that a member of staff stops the escalator for you outside of rush hours and when the station is not busy. You can plan your journey from A to B using TfL’s journey planner and our handy guide (below) will help you to plan your dog-friendly travel using the lifts and stairs at the station.

the tube england

How do I plan ahead?īy planning ahead, you’ll find that your journey runs more smoothly. Station staff can refuse you entry if your dog is misbehaving.


Your dog can travel for free on the London Underground and London Overground as long as they are kept on a lead or in a crate/carrier.

the tube england

What are TfL’s rules for dogs on transportation?


Can dogs go on escalators?ĭogs, unless trained as an assistance dog, are not allowed on the escalator themselves this can cause serious harm as they can get their fur, nails or skin caught in the moving staircases. Here's our guide to dog-friendly stations.


If you’ve arrived at a tube station only to realise that there are no stairs or lift, you may wonder how to get your very heavy dog to the platform. Luckily, TfL is dog-friendly and our four-legged friends are allowed on all London buses, trains, tubes and trams for free. London’s transport system can seem complex for us humans, so making a journey with your dog can require some forward planning.

The tube england